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Johannes Rümmelin: "Catoptrum microcosmicum ...", Ulm, 1639.

This is a page from Johannes Rümmelin's "Catoptrum microcosmicum suis aere incisis visionibus splendens cum historia, et Pinace, de novo Prodit ...", from the manuscript source of the printed edition, which contained anatomical plates with hundreds of movable flaps, a custom that had become popular during the 16th century. Marco Beretta says about Rümmelin in his "A History of Non-Printed Science: A Select Catalogue of The Waller Collection" (Uppsala, 1993, p 112): "In comparison with the iconographical apparatus of the anatomical treatises published in the previous century by Vesalius and Estienne, one cannot fail to notice that the scientific accuracy of their observations has been replaced by Rümmelin with a symbolical representation of the human body and that accuracy of anatomical detail is no longer as important as it was for the anatomists of the Renaissance."

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